
Prayer Of A Refugee


07-26-2014, 12:47 PM

Perhaps it was simply his nature, his wayward adventuring ways that caused him to wander now and then. His heart belonged to the world, and sometimes it made the male wonder how he had ever once been part of a pack. Wandering seemed to open up a new life for him... and he found himself finding his happiness more readily now. The fact that he would someday soon be a father definitely helped to improve the mood of the male. Eyes were lit with happiness, so much so that he didn't even mind where he was going. He just knew that he was going somewhere, and that at the end of the day he would return to his mate and share the evening with her.

His left forepaw was still sore, but thanks to Nalyda it had healed. That woman was a blessing in his life, truly. He thanked the great goddess Siri for her with each passing day. He would lift his gaze, lime green orbs falling across another brute. He looked rather happy, actually, and it made him feel good to know that there were others out there enjoying their lives. His overly trusting nature, at least until proven that others could not be trusted, would encourage Kar to stride up to the stranger, and so that was what Kar did. He would tip his head to the man, who currently had a mouthful of fish, and gave a smile. "Hello there good sir. Do you mind if I join you for a small period of time?"

Speech, Thought