


07-26-2014, 01:37 PM (This post was last modified: 07-26-2014, 02:18 PM by Melody.)
She was worried about her father. He hadn't seemed himself lately. Ever since their return to Tortuga, which had been well over a season now. He was down and depressed, the light in his amber eyes not nearly as bright as it once was. It was as if he had lost her mother all over again. When they heard Roman's call, Melody had been trying to get her father to care for himself once more. She felt almost like his fulltime caretaker now, making sure he ate, took his proper medication, and bathed himself. It wasn't the kind of man that he was, to let someone fret over him in such a way. But he had taken to spending hours staring into the distance without any note of reply to her pestering him at all. She was really starting to hate Qanik for doing that to him.

As the call of her Alphess rang through the trees, Melody would sigh. She would go to her father's side and pull him to his feet by his scruff, hoping that his bones were not so frail that they would collapse from the weight of his body. She watched him for just a moment and then buried her muzzle into the fur on his neck.

"Please, father. We must go to this meeting. We are a part of this pack and need to act as such. Please wake up....don't do this to yourself any longer." She would beg him, and in return receive a slow blink. Her ears would lower in frustration and the girl would gently push her weight against his shoulder, urging him to lead the way.

Flamesong would respond by giving one good shake to his pelt and padding painfully in the direction of the call. A small smile would grace the lips of the young beauty as she followed closely behind him. There we go.

They reached the clearing a little late, and Melody leaned against him again, knowing that he would not stand on his own feet for much longer. She led them both to a spot away from the crowd and allowed Flamesong to descend slowly and carefully to the ground. She hated seeing him this way. He was so sick. And she knew it was in his head.

With a sigh, Melody aimed her hazel eyes towards the alabaster queens and listened as Roman explained that there was to be a siege against Covari. Anger and fear filled her mind at the thought. How dare the bitch red queen think she could trespass on their lands at her own desire? And what would happen to Flamesong? He couldn't fight. Wouldn't fight. Would he care for himself while she was fighting for the siege. She wondered if perhaps it was time to consult a healer...Her hazels would dart to the form of Gossamir. She needed to speak with the woman. If not Gossamir, then perhaps a different healer.

The girl waited until the commotion had died down, and then made her decision. She spoke up with a shrill bark, and addressed Roman herself. "I will fight beside you always, my queen." Her tail would drop then as her thoughts returned to her father. She would have to tell Roman about his illness. SHe would just have to approach her after the meeting and speak with her in private to protect her father's pride.