
It's all over now before it has begun


07-26-2014, 01:39 PM
Come on make it easy

Say I never mattered

A palette of dark colors clashed with the creature that walked with a quickening pace inside. In fact, the colors would clash with all wolves that weren't ebony. Night cast everything in darkness, and the creature racing forwards glanced back. Teeth flashed silver, and there was a low whimper as a creature raced away, its tail between its legs. The other creature, a larger one, continued to stare over its shoulder for a moment longer, about to attack again if the smaller creature didn't run. Then there came a small snort, and a rumbling growl. "What a stupid, arrogant creature." Of course, the larger creature was arrogant; but why shouldn't he be? The creature following him had been a coyote, a male, angry about what the male had done to his mate. The creature had simply shrugged. "If you were keeping her entertained, why was she so bored?" Probably one of his better comebacks. He would need that for later. At the arrogant smirk on the larger creature's face, the coyote had lunged. The larger creature had caught him, considering sinking his fangs into that tiny throat. But he had decided not to, if only for his plaything's poor heart.

So, instead, he dropped the coyote, and it raced away. Part of him wanted to chase it, pin it down, and torture it. This was his bloodthirsty side. "Of course, it isn't always a bad thing to listen to that side...." He purred, and gave chase. The last thing the coyote would hear would be his name, Lezette. The last thing the coyote would see was the giant frame of the creature sinking his fangs into his throat. The last thing he would feel would be that crushing feel as his back was broken, the pain in his tiny throat. But first, he needed to catch the creature and pin it down first. It wasn't long before the coyote began to slow down, and Lezette finally caught up to it. He lunged, and felt the coyote fall beneath him. And then he heard that distinctive whine, full of fear and surprise. It made him smile, before he dug his fangs into the creature's hind leg, breaking those fragile bones. The coyote let out a whine. "W-Who are you? What are you?" Lezette lowered his head. "For now, my name is Your Murderer. And as for what I am, a hybrid."

The coyote whined as the wolf dog sunk his fangs into the side of his neck, drawing blood. Lezette smiled at that tangy blood filling his mouth, as it dribbled down the coyote's body. Lezette allowed himself to grip the coyote's scruff, and pulled the creature whimpered as the hybrid gripped his throat, a growl escaping his jaws for a final time, allowing to sink his jaws into the coyote. He dropped the creature, and watched as it left out a gasping growl. The hybrid sneaked behind the coyote, and crunched the spine, watching as it struggled for a breath. Finally, he spoke, his rumbling voice a growl. "My name is Lezette, creature. Keep it in mind. Because it will be the last name you ever know." The coyote stared at him, until its eyes glazed over and it went limp.

At the sound of a creature coming forwards, the wolf dog hesitated, send a glare at the creature. He sunk his teeth into the coyote's leg, ripping it away from its body. He dropped the leg towards the creature. "Try it."

Run it up the flagpole[Lezette]