


07-26-2014, 02:07 PM
Colors were drifting past his vision. Greens, blues, purples. Weren't they all so friendly with each other? They would float separately and then suddenly merge together into one, mixed color. He would watch them day in and day out, curious as to what they would do next. Would they ever leave the other colors alone? No, they knew each other too well. Were so well acquainted that one would not be able to function without the other. If he blinked, closed his eyes for just a second the colors would rearrange and have to begin their dance all over again. He wouldn't want them to be lost, so he tried to keep his eyes open.

The hunger didn't bother him anymore. The constant clawing at his belly had turned into an empty crater, constantly shrinking. Food wouldn't satisfy him anymore. It turned rotten in his mouth, or so it seemed. Flavors were all the same, textures were nauseating. Flamesong was no longer a warrior, no longer a healer, no longer a wolf. He was nothing. Not even the slightest wisp of grass on the wind. Nothing.

Amber eyes would blink as his daughter pulled him to his feet by his scruff. The colors scattered across his vision, and he had to swallow down the panic that arose because of it. She was speaking to him now, and the colors were rearranging themselves; preparing the first steps of the dance. He smiled, wondering if the dance would be different this time. He felt a light pressure against his side and the colors would disappear. He was confused, but Melody was pushing him in the direction of the alpha's den and Flamesong had a feeling that he should go there. He picked up his paws and pushed himself slowly onward. He felt the young lady following closely behind him, watching his every move and practically walking the path for him. He saw blue in the distance, leading him onward.

As they reached the clearing the man felt his daughter press against his bony side, and he nearly collapsed into her. Blue and purple had moved together. Their hue changed to pink and there was Isardis, like a nightmare in his vision. The large albino was here in Tortuga? The man's thoughts raced, all colors scattered again in a panic. He wasn't truly there. There wasn't even a slight possibility. No possible. Flamesong let his shoulders relax and felt as the rising growl descended back into his chest. And so the colors reappeared.

It seemed that the dance upon his vision was keeping him from hearing whatever it was Roman had to say. He had found himself now, collapsed at his daughter's paws, lying on the ground while his mind played tricks on him. He was gone, his mind turning rounds with the colors that danced in his eyes.