
There's No Way Out -- You're Dead!


07-26-2014, 02:11 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
The sense of foreboding that she had... the sense of something great and evil had not left. For now she left her children with Othello, her beautiful son and daughter, seeking answers. There was something about how the wind cried, calling to the healer, leading her on. Something was coming, fate perhaps, and it called to her. It lead her like a sheep, further and further from where she should have been.

It was fitting, perhaps, that she should wind up here. The place where she thought she had a new beginning. No longer did her friend's scents linger in this place. No longer were their tracks upon the ground. It honestly made her heart sink low in her chest. This was a place of memories, of nightmares... a place that connected important events in the past half year. Had she not come here she would have not met so many new friends, learned such wonderful knowledge along the way... nor would she have had her perfect son and daughter.

Ellis would close her teal-green eyes, letting out a soft sigh. What was she doing here? Seeking memories? Ghosts? The woman would step across the sand, making her way to where her old den once lay. It had been a while since she last visited, cleaning on what herbs were still useable at the time. She would come to a stop before her old den, giving a soft sigh. It seemed so barren now... not a single scent within. She felt a part of her heart sinking as she looked at it.

The wind around her began to stir more, whipping at her multi-colored fur. The feeling within her heart was getting even stronger... was something to happen here? Teal-green eyes would open, worry shining within them. Perhaps... perhaps it was time to leave. The young woman would get to her paws, preparing to turn, when a foreign scent hit her nose.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.