
Requiem on Water


07-26-2014, 03:15 PM

The ebony brute yawned, slipping easily into sleep when suddenly, approaching footsteps could be heard from behind him. Charon jumped up, hackles raised and lips curled, ready to tear out the throat of whatever bastard was sneaking up on him. But as the figure showed itself, it turned out to be his angry little cousin, Hades Olympus. Charon chuckled darkly as his hackles relaxed against his neck. His first sentence was not heard, luckily. If it had been, the gold marked beast would not have been so friendly. But he heard the second phrase that Hades put forth, something about helping to smooth down his fur? One obsidian paw traced his spine, causing his lip to draw back into a snarl once more. Charon quickly stepped away, parting his jaws and lowering his head as ears became flattened against his skull. Everything about his posture screamed to stay away. He loved his cousin, of course, just like he had to. But no more than that. He would not share the throne with this sadistic beast. Sharing just wasn't his style.

"Thanks, cousin," he snapped. "But I don't think I'll need any help from you." His words held a silent meaning. He didn't need Hades to help him. Not with his fur, and certainly not with overthrowing Olympus. This man didn't calculate anything. He simply threw himself in, claw and tooth flying. That wouldn't get him anywhere. That would only get him killed. "Listen closely, Hades. I agree that the throne should belong to our family, and while I don't entirely wish to follow my father in that endeavor, I also don't wish to waste my life by jumping into anything too quickly." Golden eyes would narrow as Charon brought himself to his original position, staring evenly at his cousin from where he stood. "I plan to move forward and take action, but I also plan to bide my time. Climb the ranks and gain their trust before spilling their blood across the land." There it was again, that cruel flash in his eyes. He craved destruction. He craved death. This had always been his way. "Knowing that, will you join me?"