

Talon I


4 Years
07-26-2014, 03:41 PM

Kangi was quick to join him, though she seemed confused and bewildered at the gathering. The number of wolves here was already large, but it seemed to grow by the minute. Talon was quiet at her side as he watched them trickle in, feeling a strange aura in the air. Though Roman had seemed warm and inviting, he found that many of the wolves around him seemed tense.

She began to speak, and his silver eyes were wide and attentive, fixated on Roman. She even introduced and welcomed himself and Kangi, and he found a smile forming on his lips at her kindness. But it faded quickly as her voice grew serious and somewhat harsh. Danger.. poison.. war. War? He found his nose wrinkling and his heart began to hammer loudly in his chest. Roman invited any of them to join, and he found his head shaking side to side without thinking. He would not fight -- he couldn't fight.

Fear begin to flood the very core of his being. She would call their allies to them -- and they would arrive. How long it took, he didn't know; he was too busy getting lost inside his head, terrified that they had made some horrible mistake in coming here. Some seemed happy to fight, ecstatic even, at the possibility of bloodshed and danger; he wanted nothing to do with it. He began to quake at the arrival of Isardis, panic coursing through his veins. Why is he here? He thought he had escaped him. A gentle whine escapes his throat, barely audible, only meant for Kangi alone.

He heard the gentle voice of Kangi beside him. 'Kaga,' she said, the word they'd decided would be the safe word, what they would use when they were no longer comfortable here. Talon would quickly move as she did, leaving the group without hesitation, wanting to comfort her as soon as he could find the strength to.

- exit Talon -