
Let's Go, Let's Go~



5 Years
07-26-2014, 05:10 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The subject was a bit of a tricky one for Anais, and she hoped she was doing a decent enough job at explaining it to her sister. It was no easy thing that she had wished to know, especially since the older girl herself had yet to be tested on her ability to determine "bad" from "good," but being the older sister she felt a responsibility to give her best answer in the hopes that it might help Lior. And she certainly hoped it would. The small grey pup was young still, innocent in every respect. The last thing Anais wanted was to hear that something bad had happened to her, no matter the reasoning for it. It seemed Lior felt the same as well, and Anais answered quietly, hopefully, "I hope so too." No bad wolves, no dangerous wolves, no scary wolves. Nothing that would harm them in any way.

For being so young, she seemed to have a lot on her mind, which became obvious as she glanced toward the dens and then spoke of peace. Her elder sister smiled, agreeing though she did not say so aloud. Peace would have been wonderful, and for the time being they did seem to have it. Things in Ebony appeared stable, comfortable though busy, and that did not appear to be ready to change any time soon. They were free to live in their relative peace, to do what they wished within their pack and see where it took them.

And again Lior had a new thought that she voiced which caught Anais's attention and turned her gentle smile into an all out grin. She had chosen her path, the rank for which she was going to train and work toward achieving, and her sister beamed down at her. Whatever reservations she had about her decision, whatever doubts she might have harbored, Anais was convinced the little playful, adventurous girl would do well once she set her mind toward her goal. "You'll do wonderful, Lior," she stated with confidence, reassuring her sibling with a quick nuzzle to her cheek. "You'll be the best little healer out there. And you can patch up the boys after Dad's done with their lessons," she teased, sure that with the way their brothers had been training lately there would be plenty of minor things to begin practicing on there.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.