
d-d-d-d-drop the bass



07-26-2014, 05:43 PM

He wouldn't be surprised if the woman who showed up was the pups whore of a mother. After all, in his mind all women were the same, the weaker ones who wanted to be faithful were stupid, the minds of men were fickle and not to be trusted. Though mismatched paws would come to rest as he made a slight grin now things were getting interesting. As his white tail would make a small twitch as it glided back and forth like a cat stalking prey. Pale blue eyes looking back to the child who had snapped at him before. ?Normally whelps your age stay near their pack or parents until they are at least three seasons old. Pardon me if the customs here are different.? he said, stepping past her as he confronted the woman. Oh was she going to become protective of the child? And she acted as if she did not know the whelp at all.
?I can't say that I have, but I do hope if this child is not yours that you weren't planning on stealing her away.? Rentaro was new to these lands, he couldn't give one crap about any war games that the packs were going through. His behavior of worry for the child would be kept. He had no feelings even if he tried there just wasn't anything there. He glanced over at the pup, would she run away or simply be as a child was. Snappy and a brat. Though his body was far more interested in the woman, and if they would run into each other elsewhere.

?I speak?