
Broken Pieces


05-15-2013, 07:28 PM

She was a Queen. A Vecaan. That term still tasted odd upon her tongue. She wasn't sure if she would be the Queen Tortuga wanted or needed, but she would do her damndest to see every last one of her people protected and secure if nothing more, even if they hated her for the restrictions she had placed upon them. She yearned for peace. A home devoid of senseless bloodshed and mindless war. She had not joined Tortuga for its tastes of blood, she had not joined Tortuga for its instigations. She had come because they were claimed a pack of neutrality, it had been Kaien and Morphine who had turned them into a joke, a lie, a fools pack. Desdemona had more honor than that. More respect. More dignity, and she would not stand by and watch as shadow games were encouraged. They would have more honor than that. Desdemona would make sure of it.

The trek to Valhalla was made almost the instant she had been made Queen. She had ended Kaien's life, banished Morphine, returned to inform her pack of the leadership change and come the daybreak, Desdemona was already out of her home and trekking across the lands at a heady gallop. First things first, this discrepancy with Valhalla needed to be ended. They didn't need to be best friends, they didn't need to start swapping songs and dancing under the moonlight but some kind of an agreement needed to be made. Desdemona would not let such a wound fester, she intended to be strong and adamant about where Tortuga now stood.

She approached the Valhallen grounds and slowed her gait to a walk, the forest here was alive with color, even more beautiful than the forest it had resided on back in the old Alacritis. It had been quite some time since she had seen hide or tail of anyone of her old pack but that would be rectified quite shortly. She approached the border with confidence, massive behemoth frame drawing to a halt a yard or so shy of the territory line. Words, her weakest point, were her only strength now. Ears would pin back against her cranium, she had brought no warriors with her as a sign of good faith, the Valhalla she remembered would at least here her out. With a soft sigh, she would tilt her head to the heavens, bellowing out a call for the Alpha, Valhalla's King... or Queen, whichever came first. No doubt tension would be high, but Desdemona was prepared, she intended to be a much different leader than Morphine and Kaien had been.
