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3 Years
07-26-2014, 09:00 PM

Lysis Armada had never been so far south. The northern lands were her realm, her home the snow-capped pines and the icy fields; it was all she had ever known. Only briefly had she ventured away, exploring the world with her siblings, but never had she embarked on such a long trip. The talk of war seemed to travel in hushed whispers, and she found her curiosity piqued. Perhaps she ought to find this pack they were speaking of, to understand why precisely her kin felt so compelled to fight, to bleed -- she had never experienced such a raw need. Yet she yearned to know it, to understand it.

Her paws carried her a great distance, guided by the spring sun. Slowly the sun made its retreat below the horizon, casting a darkness over the land. The feeling of being alone was something that she was unfamiliar with, and she could not shake the feeling of solitude as she made her way across the lands. It was both comforting and alienating at the same time. A strange feeling, for a strange land. These western lands were significantly warmer than where she was from, even in the darkness of night, and she found herself growing tired.

She would retreat for the evening, finding safety in the crook of a fallen tree, slipping her lithe frame beneath it and quickly falling asleep. The morning came far too quickly, the warm rays of the sun tickling her eyelids, rousing her from slumber. Once again she would begin her journey, her paws carrying her effortlessly further south. It wasn't long before the scent of moisture grew heavy in the air, the faint outline of a lake appearing on the horizon. A drink sounded like a fine idea. The babe loped forward, increasing her pace at the prospect of hydration, though the air was laden with the scent of a stranger. Silently she crept forward, coming to rest by the shores, watching him splash through the waters with her inquisitive gaze. "Playing with yourself?" her voice would call out with amusement, eyes sparkling as she leaned to lap at the cool water.

Kyarst, her half-brother and closest friend, is allowed in any and all of her threads.