
Will You Accept My Love Again?



11 Years
07-27-2014, 11:21 AM
The elder wolf noticed that the wolves body language matched similarly as they saw one another. Head low, tail indecisive, the miserable air that hung about the air between the two wolves. They were uneasy with what had happened three days ago, rightfully so. Though Bane had been rough with his mate and she had left him and Des at the border of Ebony in tears, the fact that she looked... better, was a start. And then she spoke his name. A cold pit forming in his stomach. It didn't sound how lovers greeted each other. Only strangers. His mate began to speak about how his once-mate had forgiven her. And that was it.

Tahlia returning to silence after that, tears forming in her eyes. "Tahlia... I..." Bane began, face contorting to a pained expression. He had withheld this information from her, and it would explain the majority of how he had reacted to Tahlia. But it had also been the previous reasons he admonished to her three days ago.?"Destruction and I were really close once Tahlia. I want to let you know that I still love you, but I felt a surge of protectiveness at the words you spoke to my once-mate. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry for keeping that a secret. I'm sorry for the way I reacted and I'm sorry for the pain I've cause us these last few days." Bane felt the tears falling down bob sides of his muzzle, taking a nervous step forward.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•