
Tonight the foxes hunt the hounds


07-27-2014, 01:44 PM
Come on make it easy

Say I never mattered

It wasn't too long after Lezette snapped his jaws closed that a female walked forwards, her posture obviously that of a queen's; and a queen she was, a perfect example of one. At the sound of her beautiful vocals, introducing herself as the Kaiser, Lezette lowered himself in submission as he stared into her fiery eyes. "It is nice to meet you, my queen. I am Lezette, a hybrid. I have no claims to fame, except for children at my home land." At her second question, asking what he had called for, the wolf dog relaxed. "Miss Schon, I have called you so I could request to join your pack." He paused, almost regretting what he was about to say next, and watched her face for an reaction. "As I said, I have no claim to fame. But, if you allow me to join, may I request a fairly high rank in Niflheim?" The question was out of his jaws before he could take it back, wrapped in his smooth vocals. Allowing his tail to wag a little, the wolf dog glanced backwards, at a rabbit grazing. It was not on the pack borders, and it seemed to be a perfect gift to the queen, so he could earn her affection and be a pack hybrid.

"Excuse me, my queen, while I get a gift that you will love and hopefully find sweet in flavor." He turned around and stalked the rabbit, his mismatched gaze narrowing as he stared at the rabbit. The creature grazed, unaware of the beast about to pounce and kill it. White and brown paws hit the ground, grazing the rabbit. Racing forwards, Lezette chased it until it lost its strength and slowed down, allowing him to pounce easily. The rabbit struggled wildly, terrified. Lezette stared down at it, sinking his fangs into its head and piercing it, watching the white fur as it began to be stained red. Licking the blood a little, the hybrid relaxed and gripped the rabbit. He raced to Schon, and dropped it at her paws like a toy or something. Wagging his tail, he lowered his head. "I'm sorry, my queen. Nothing else around." His voice was soft with regret as he stared at the rabbit. "The blood is sweet, though." It was no surprise to the hybrid that the rabbit's blood was so sweet.

Run it up the flagpole[Lezette]