
Saffie's Adoption


07-27-2014, 03:39 PM

Babies In Need of Some Homes

Cataleya x Taurig

First we have Sora, previously owned by Dragon. He will be up for adoption as of immediately. His profile can be found here. His name will be changed to something of your choice, but his design will remain the same.

user posted image

A little history about Sora. He was the only boy in a litter of 3, his sisters being Senka and Zaria. His father, Taurig, abandoned him shortly after the boy decided to go and live with him, this left Sora bitter and made him slightly darker aligned. He joined his mother, Cataleya, in her pack, but when the plague struck, she left, causing him to once again feel abandoned. Nothing major has happened in his life, other than the leaving of his father, his sisters death, and his mother leaving and now returning.

You may choose to play him however you wish, good or bad, but do note that Cat will be seeking him out, and those three major events in his life must remain. Any past grievances he has had with any wolf will no longer exist unless you want it to.

Syrnix x Eos

Next we have Sevan. Her name and design will remain that same. She up for adoption immediately. Her profile can be found here.

user posted image

She currently has her own adoption thread, which can be found here



Character: who are you applying for? If Sora, please rename

Personality: how do you intend to play them? 200 words

History: just briefly tell me what you plan on including in their history, doesn't have to be long, this is more for Sora, since I play his mom.

RP Sample: 250 words