



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-10-2013, 07:45 PM

Erani stretched out on her side, watching her children play. They had gained their senses, and much more recently, gained their first hints of mobility. She smiled at the yips and giggles of her offspring. The wide area under the ravine walls was perfect for them to play; there was room to tumble, but she could keep an eye on them. She watched Surreal and Arella tumbling and rolling with each other, Surreal?s playful growl pearling through the air.

She sat up and watched her brood, noting the dominance that Castiel held, closely followed by Lyric. For all her smaller size, the little white female with the black swirls was already making herself known. She was a fascinating pup, to Erani. Where the unusual pattern had come from, she had no idea. Perhaps Nova?s ancestors had held unusual markings like these. She knew she had a grandmother with unusual coloring. She had been a fiery red, like a bloody flame. It was said she was such a fine healer, you needed only to be touched by her paw to be healed. Erani gave a soft huff. She doubted that. But she didn?t doubt the female had been a phenomenal healer.

Erani?s mother had taken training with Briennea, Alorek?s mother, while Alorek?s birth pack had been staying with Redwood Pack. The nomadic pack had been all healers, all of them some of the best healers in the land. They never fought, preferring peace over strife. Briennea had been different; peaceful, but also knowledgeable with defensive fighting tactics. Thus, while peaceful, the nomadic healers were ones you wouldn?t want to attack lightly.

Erani?s eyes watched her children. What had become of that Alliance? Between the Nomads and Redwood? Cormalin said the Nomads found him. Apparently, the day Redwood had fallen was the day the Nomads were due for their annual stay of a month or more, where they would have overseen the training of Erani, and any other young wolves wishing to take up the Craft. They had saved his life. Would she ever get to thank them? Would they ever see her children?

She studied her daughters. All three could be healers. Lyric and Arella were the most likely. Surreal had a different note to her. She already moved with the confidence that said she would be a fighter. Arella was bubbly, enthusiastic, and friendly to the point of being too much so. Lyric was calmer, still friendly, but in a way, she was shy. She could be an excellent healer. If there was a good wolf to train her.

A soft sigh whispered from her muzzle. Unfortunately? She herself would npt have the pleasure of training her children, as she had hoped. Collision had made sure of that. She was a Civilian. Unable to help her pack unless requested. She could not train them. She couldn?t even finish Rayne and Preston?s training. She worried about the young male. He seemed to be enjoying his title too much. The jealousy toward Asheni at her birthing had not gone unnoticed. Had Erani been able to continue Preston?s training, she would have had him helping with the birth, and Asheni there to supervise. Erani was an older wolf, and it was her first litter. She hadn?t been able to teach him what to do in an emergency where there were complications in the birth.

Erani shook her head. She feared that his rank, which had been given to him before he had truly earned it, was going to his head. She sighed. She knew that he would learn that rank didn?t make you fully trained, when he ran into a wolf that had something he didn?t know what it was. Or how to cure it. Collision had made many errors, and placing Preston as the head healer before his training was finished, and removing his trainer from rank was one of the worst. How many wolves would fall ill?

She turned her gaze back to her romping children. One thing was for certain. She was not going to allow her lack of rank to get in her way, should her children fall ill. Rank meant nothing, in any case. She was still a healer. She had been born one.