
~Fire and Ice~


07-27-2014, 06:51 PM
The girl had not accomplished much since making Alacritis her home. She had made a few enemies, little friends, and no progress in her goal of gaining followers and beginning her own pack, as she had been destined to do since birth.

Today the ebony behemoth was wandering through the northern lands, her claws digging carefully into the frozen field for traction as she had trained herself. It was cold here and prey was scarce but Rizo needed to expand her comfort zone in search of inspiration. She was nearing a lake in the distance and was able to spot a small creature with a pelt similar to her own wandering out on the ice.

Emerald eyes would roll and a small chuckle would rise in her throat. Didnt the thing know better than to walk on thin ice just as the weather was beginning to get warmer? It must be hunting...or clueless. She shook her head in wonder and continued her approach on the lake. Her eyes were set on the small figure as it scurried out further, and she found her pace quickening. Was that thing...was that a wolf pup?

Suddenly the figure disappeared with a loud crack, and her ears picked up the high pitched wailing of a child in danger. The woman was running then, skidding to a halt on the edge of the ice, knowing she would do the creature no good if she fell through the ice herself.

Panic threatened to clutch at her throat as she combed her mind for any ideas, yet she was able to swallow down the fear and focus. "Don't give up, little one. I am going to help you!" She told the boy in her most soothing tones, hoping that she didn't scare him further.

Her emeralds scanned the frozen field for anything...anything that could help...a branch! The large dead tree limb was lying nearly ten lengths from the spot she was standing, and Rizo hurried over to gather it in her mouth. She dragged it back to the spot with little trouble, and used all her strength to swing it into the water.

Satisfaction shown bright in her eyes as the limb successfully broke through the ice, creating a path to the struggling form of the pup. "Grab onto the branch, child. Quickly now!" She commanded him. Her teeth had a firm grip on the dead and dry limb. Hopefully, the pup would have sense enough to swim the short distance to the branch and allow her to save his life.