
~Fire and Ice~



2 Years
07-27-2014, 07:01 PM
Aeolus would turn as he saw a figure off in the distance. His eyes widened in shock as he continued to try and swim, but when the figure came closer, he realized what it was. It was a she-wolf, much older than he was. He was only five months old, and already he had gotten into mischief. His right blue eye and left green eye stayed focused as he would hear the dame's soothing tone and confidence.

He continued to swim further, keeping steady and trying his best to swim and move. The ice would break further, and soon, the female wolf had found a steady tree limb that had broken off for her to use. He would command him to grip on, and without arguing or hesitation, he snapped down onto the branch as he continued to move up the limb, using his teeth.

Soon, he was able to find traction on the solid ground, shaking off the water as he lied down and began to shiver from the cold. His eyes became duller as he continued to shake from the ever present cold that surrounded his miniature form. His eyes would shift to the she-wolf that had saved his life. Ever since his parents died, he had never seen anyone help him. He was thankful that she had helped him.

"Thank you, ma'am," he would say in a shaken up way. His tone was steady and a medium high tone since he was still young, and he wrapped his tail around him. He had not been used to the cold since his fur had not been bushy and would not be able to keep heat trapped inside.