
~Fire and Ice~


07-27-2014, 07:34 PM
Focus was the most important aspect of her stance. She had a firm grip on the branch and a strong lock on the pups position. He was on the branch now, working his way across the wood to get closer to the shoreline. When he was close enough, Rizo pulled him the rest of the way in and then dropped the branch.

The poor child was shivering at her paws. He was very grateful to her and that caused a warmth in her heart that she hadnt felt since she left home. He was all alone just as she was. It felt good to know that she had played a part in securing his wellbeing, though her instincts were telling her that the saving wasnt truly over until the little guy had warm blood flowing through his veins again.

"It was no problem of mine, dear. But if you will allow me, I would like to get you warmed up. You wont survive the night in this state." She told him, hoping her serious tone wouldnt frighten him any further. The poor thing was scared enough as it was. She stood and pressed her nose into his freezing fur, hoping to feel his body working to warm itself up, yet all she could feel were his shivers.

"My name is Rizo, whats yours child?" She asked gently, trying to distract him from the cold as she bent to pick him up by the scruff.