
The time has come


07-27-2014, 08:21 PM

She had parted ways with Crucifix and immediately set out to find Ekko. She had seen the fear in the woman's eyes, the unshed tears and she immediately felt guilty. A sigh rolled off her tongue as she picked up an easy lope, nostrils quivering to follow the woman's scent. A call would leave her lips, informing the small she wolf that she would be found, whether or not she wanted to. Long limbs would carry her across the foreign terrain, her lengthy strides closing in on the woman. The stronger her scent became, the more her pace would slow until she came to a halt. Eyes would scan the vicinity, looking for her familiar petite form. "Ekko." Her voice was gentle, yet loud enough to be heard from a short distance. The russet woman would take a few steps, her crown lifted high as she continued the search. Nostrils quivered, inhaling the tiny woman's perfume. She would persist until she finally found Ekko, there was no hiding, there was no escaping. Unless she really wanted to leave, but that was doubtful.

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