
~Fire and Ice~


07-27-2014, 08:23 PM
Aeolus. An interesting name indeed. She nodded as he explained the origins of his name. "God of the wind, huh? Do you like to run fast? Just like the wind?" She bent down and gripped his scruff in her jaws, lifting him with ease before he had a chance to answer. She knew the situation had to be awkward for him. He was being carried by a total stranger to a strange place. She hoped that the boy would use the travel time to talk more about himself and keep his blood flowing.

The ebony woman walked quickly with the child swinging limply from her jaws. She knew there was a spot nearby where they would be able to get sun for a few hours before it went to rest. She could not allow the boy to freeze out here, all alone. Her paws struck the ground with purpose and precision. It was around here...somewhere.

Soon enough she found the stack of rocks that she had sunned herself on just the other day. The giantess quickly scaled the pile, being careful not to bump her cargo against the rocks. When she reached the top, she gently set down the wet bundle of fur and curled herself tightly around him, sharing her warmth. The heat from the rocks was seeping up into their pelts and Rizo knew that she had made the right decision.

With a soft smile, the woman looked down at the boy and sighed. "Where are your parents, little one?"