



10 Years
07-27-2014, 09:07 PM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2014, 09:10 PM by Kaprasíus.)

A festival -- a true bl?t! How delightful. Though it was only spring, and these events usually were reserved for the summer season, Kapras?us would not hesitate to answer his cousin's call. Her familiar song rang out far over the lands, inviting not just kin but friends and strangers alike to join her in celebration and sacrifice.

The Finnvi family bl?t had always been a time for joy and celebration, a time when grievances and rivalries were swept aside. The brute felt excitement growing in his belly as he responded to the call with a howl of his own, a giddy song that told of his intent to arrive and to celebrate as fully as he knew how -- with a lot of mushrooms, and a smile that grew from ear to ear as he approached the gathering.

Most of the wolves here were unfamiliar to him. Some retained the scent of his cousin, Katja; but many others were entirely unknown and strange. The man had a hop to his step as he slunk through the gathering, eager to mingle and to reunite with his family once again. His mother would catch his eye first, and with a bow he would rush to her side, dropping the bundle of shrooms that he had gathered for this occasion. He was content to press his nose briefly into the crook of her neck in greeting. "Mutter," he spoke softly, though his lyrics were laced with glee as his vibrant gaze sought his half-sister's. "And sister. Your first bl?t, I presume? I do hope you behave yourself." A laugh was given as he leaned to gnaw on one of the mushrooms, before slipping away from the duo.

Many of them seemed no more than faces in a crowd, dull and chattering quietly amongst themselves. Did they all know nothing of the gods? Was this how the faithless celebrated? He found himself absently nipping at the tails of strangers as he passed, happy to tug on Novella's tail for a moment -- oblivious to the male that stood at her side -- following the simple action with a hearty chuckle. This was the time for fun, for enjoyment and for pleasure.

Kapra was surprised at the next familiar scent to find his nose, tugging at the corners of his mind. Au?ra was here? With ease the lithe man would navigate through the wolves that had begun to gather, surprised to find her on the outskirts of the group. A smile would tease the corners of ebony lips as he nudged her from behind, wondering why she had not yet shown her face. "Cousin, it has been awhile, no?" he started, pulling away to dance over her serious features. Something seemed to be on her mind, but he couldn't begin to guess what. "What do the gods have in store for us this year, do you think?"


WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.