
~Fire and Ice~


07-27-2014, 09:47 PM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2014, 09:47 PM by Rizo.)
She could tell that the little man was warming up. His shivers had subsided and he seemed much more comfortable. Having him nestled against her body would have been a very odd feeling if it hadnt been for her maternal instincts kicking in. It was actually a good feeling, surprisingly enough.

The smile continued to glow on her face, right up until he told her about his family. He was really alone in such a big world. It was heartbreaking! The smile fell from her face and her tail curled closer around him.

"Aeolus...that is so terrible. You are so young..."

The giantess was at a loss for words. The child was obviously still hurting from the experience, as he should. If only they had been in a pack closer to the heart of Alacritia...the remedy would have saved them all and the poor child would be leading a normal life. Learning to hunt...fight...heal...yet nothing would heal his mental scarring now.

She could at least keep his mind off of things, maybe teach him a couple of survival techniques. "Are you hungry babe? How about I see what you can do with a rabbit, hm?" She suggested and gave the boy an excited look.