
The time has come


07-27-2014, 10:01 PM

It would take some time, but finally her familiar russet figure would slide out from beneath a bush. Twigs and leaves clung to her pelt in various places and sticking out. If not for her clear distress, her appearance would have been rather comical. Blue eyes remained downcast, her tiny body low to the ground. Ekko would move no closer, remaining just outside her bush. A brow would lift but quickly fell into back into place. Long legs would bring her a step closer, her moves slow so as not to startle the woman. Leaning forward, she would attempt to gently lick the woman's crown, a friendly smile playing on her lips. If the tiny woman allowed such action to land, then she would attempt to brush away the twigs and leaves from her friends pelt. She had acted harshly, and she hurt the tiny woman. "I'm sorry." The apology fell from her lips quietly as she peered at the woman through her lashes. Legs would bend as she lowered herself to Ekko's level, causing the woman to all but lay down. She would fall silent, waiting for Ekko to look up and meet her gaze. She had been so bold, the woman desperately hoped that she had not crushed the little fire that had begun to grow.

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