
I Think This Line Is Mostly Filler


08-31-2014, 06:37 PM

Hypnos's eyes would light up as his mother pressed her nose to his cheek, her words giving him all the courage he needed. Hearing her say it, that she believed in him, was all the hope Hypnos needed. If she believed in him he would make it all possible. He would work to become strong, stronger than anyone, and help protect her and make her happy! The plan was perfect in his young mind, and he would smile so widely, tail wagging back and forth a mile a minute. It wouldn't be easy, though Hypnos didn't understand yet how hard it would be, but he would fight to overcome any challenge so that he could stand tall with the people he loved.

Hypnos would get to his paws, stumbling a little at first as he adjusted his positioning for his deformed leg, and then set off, the movements still awkward, though he was trying to set the leg down like the others. Focusing a bit more on it than he normally did. If it made his momma happy... that was was what mattered to him right now. His ears would prick up, sticking close to her form as he could, though he'd have to work much harder to do so. Hypnos would smile back at her, eagerness written on his face again. "Do ya fink ya kin teach me som'in? Or Polly? Trackin' or hunt'in or..." He would trail off, frowning. "Momma wheres Polly?"