


07-27-2014, 10:21 PM

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? she is a silent guardian as she weaves through dense underbrush in a labyrinth of foliage, abstract gaze fixated upon the silhouetted { and delicate } physique of her darling sister upon the horizon -- stalking behind her as if the dove is naught but prey. uncertainty shrouds the chasms of her diseased mind as she follows upon their makeshift route with predatory diligence, the sound of her own footfalls obstructed with every careful stride taken, unwilling to garner attention towards herself as she plays the role of spy. curiosity over nephele?s motives intensifies as the girl breaches beyond the threshold of a familiar pack?s realm { borders that the phantom, too, had once infiltrated }, and as the tyrant yet again disregards the ebony sovereign?s boundaries, nephele?s purpose becomes evident.

the elysius deity?s saunter is delayed as she lingers upon the outskirts of the unethical gathering, pupils fervently ravaging the premises as she attempts to pinpoint the meaning behind this conference. perked ears catch word of a festival, and the phantom merely snorts, disdain nearly tangible as it seeps from pallid pores and permeates the cordial atmosphere. the deity is unwavering from the obscurity of shadows, however, until her sister glides towards the sidelines, interest laden upon her lovely visage as she reclines and artemis lays waste to the distance that separates them. ?how quaint,? she comments dryly as she halts adjacent to her sister?s left side, the smirk that contorts her porcelain countenance betraying the speech that precedes it. the elysius tyrant is none too keen on bonding with the subservient, but if her sister wants to participate in such mundane events, then it is up to the phantom to oblige and accompany her -- however dull it may be.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?or not be.

their scent is unmistakable, and the phantom feels the faintest flare of apprehension ignite beneath taut flesh as her pupils scan her surroundings in desperation. and once the queen?s amethyst and silver gaze locates them -- this picturesque family of four -- she abandons her half-sibling?s side in favor of her full-fledged sibling without forewarning. she glides with languidity { albeit sophisticated languidity } while she makes her daring approach, her infamously wry grin laden upon her corrupted countenance. ?what a precious family,? is the bedeviled croon that cascades like silk from decadent jaws, mismatched gaze lingering first upon her brother?s own lavender before shifting towards the babes nestled at his paws. ?-- my family,? she informs the two children -- her niece and nephew -- whom she doubted knew of her existence prior to this very moment. for why would a mother teach her children of a monster she detested?