


07-28-2014, 12:39 AM

Fear would register in Ekkos eyes but she would flee, leaving behind only the echoing of her cry. The russet woman would sigh, but returned her attention to them beside her. She would find Ekko after, and figure out just what her issue was. As soon as the tiny woman was gone, Cru would take a step closer, his tail bumping against her every few steps. Audits would swivel towards him as he began to explain. Her expression would light up as he mentioned that she would be his secondary. A grin would crease her features, tail wagging to jump against him. She was getting more than she had imagined. He would go onto explain what she could do, her duties, and that she would fill in when he was away. He simply wanted her to set and example and follow the rules. Her grin would lessen into a mischievous smirk, as she looked sideways at him, peering up through her lashes. "Am I allowed to break the rules sometimes?" she would send a wink his way, bumping her shoulder against his. She didn't know why, but she was suddenly shy around him, unsure of where they stood or how to act around him. Her heart would skip a beat, picking up in speed to flutter in her chest. So much was happening so fast, but she still had no idea where they stood.

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