
Make me or break me


07-28-2014, 03:00 AM

Life had resumed to a sort of normalcy, since the siege had been ended before it could begin. She had lost a good count of her members in the meeting that followed, and it ached at her- though she worked to ignore the feelings of loss. She had taken up extra patrols, to keep her mind busy, and when a strange howl rang through her forest, she grunted slightly before heading towards it. She would be hesitant towards strangers- not quick to trust them since the sudden and convenient disappearance of Covari. She heeds to the call regardless, sauntering towards the caller with her head high and prideful. Emerging from her forest, she studies him as she approaches. He's an oddly marked male, and the way he stands speaks of a King. She's curious, but she halts about ten feet from him, keeping the distance there in case he's there merely as an assault. Greek scurries forward between the two wolves, leaving about 3 feet between him and the other. Sneering, the fossa raises up, "Who are you?" Roman says nothing for a moment, before speaking. Her voice is loud so she is sure he can hear her. "I am Roman Armada, Queen of Tortuga and you are?" Her voice is aloof, with an air of regalness too it, as she waits for him to state his case.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak