


07-28-2014, 03:04 AM
uuugh i feel like this is particularly terrible but w/e lol. this was fun ^_^

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? the phantom feels her sister?s jaws shudder from impact as the jutted point of her right shoulder successfully strikes nephele?s mandible, forcing the dove to abandon her initial attack to leave artemis unscathed from ravenous incisors. likewise, the elysius deity is victorious in her savage endeavor of clamping down upon nephele?s right-sided face -- upper jaw carving half-inch deep puncture wounds just above the dove?s right brow whilst her lower jaw latches onto the outer portion of nephele?s right cheek, sinking deeper into the tender flesh than the former. nephele, however, is quick to retaliate, and the tyrant unleashes a strangled snarl as her sister?s teeth penetrate the thin flesh upon her own right cheek -- nephele?s upper jaw carving moderate puncture wounds of about a third of an inch in depth just beneath her right eye while the outer portion of her right cheek receives half-inch deep puncture wounds from nephele?s lower jaw. narrow strands of RED weep from her newest facial wounds, though even as they fester with blood, the phantom queen finds herself wholly undeterred from battle.

as the tyrant feels tugging upon the ankle of her right forelimb, she only performs the most logical counteraction to avoid tripping: she lifts the right forelimb that had been attacked -- her weight shifting evenly among her grounded limbs as to retain balance. in hopes of catching nephele?s left forepaw before the dove retracts it, the phantom attempts to slam her elevated right forepaw heavily down upon nephele?s own left forepaw, intending to fracture or break her toes with the hopeful exertion of her attempted stomp. simultaneously, the tyrant relinquishes her hold upon the right side of nephele?s face, bite attempting to shift upwards towards nephele?s pinned right ear as she hopes to tear through the upper portion of the ear, skull tilting even further to her own right as she attempts to grasp the triangular flesh betwixt covetous jaws.

throughout her attempted assault, the tyrant ensures that her defenses are secured to the best of her ability: her skull held level with her spinal column while her tail lashes out behind her hips in similar alignment, shoulders rolled forward and neck scrunched to safeguard her jugular veins in a protective halo of excess flesh and fat. hackles prickle along the length of her spine and her abdomen tenses to tighten her core, ears stitching against the contours of her crown whilst her mismatched gaze narrows to thin slits. limbs space themselves equidistant apart and bend slightly at the joints to lower her center of gravity, weight evenly distributed among her grounded limbs as her toes splay and her nails grapple the soil for traction. bloodied jaws remain slackened, decadent incisors unsheathed from blackened lips while her countenance contorts in a vehement snarl.

