


07-28-2014, 09:45 AM (This post was last modified: 07-28-2014, 09:46 AM by Shay.)
Shay had been wandering a bit further south, trying to find the rogue who had been teaching him. The druid seemed to have vanished, though, and no one he'd asked had known who he was. Strange. So he'd been in the process of returning back to Tortuga, without the increased knowledge he'd left for, when he heard his alpha's call to the pack. By the time he'd gotten within hearing distance at his ambling pace, the pack had been gathered and Roman was speaking. The one-eyed healer paid little heed until she spoke of war with a pack called Covari, and he glanced up quizzically. Had he heard that right?

But already Roman had finished her speech and thrown back her head to call for someone or another, Shay hadn't quite caught that part. Whoever it was must have been waiting for a signal because there was a sudden surge of wolves around him as strangers flowed into Tortuga's pack meeting. He blinked at them, managing to get out a quick "oh hello there," when one bumped into him, but he was ignored. Oh well. Maybe that hadn't been what he'd supposed to say after all.

Finally the healer seated himself among the combined packs and looked around with a sort of blank curiosity. "I don't mean to interrupt. You all look like you're so excited. But... you did say Covari right?" His single silver eye caught Roman's gaze. His usual emotionlessness seemed nearly a benevolent calm next to the rising emotions of those around him, a fact that was, as always, completely lost on him. "Covari is no more. I was recently traveling that area and to the best of my knowledge approximately the whole pack are rogues now. I believe their leaders simply left? How are you to fight them if they are no longer a pack? That... is what a war is isn't it? One pack fighting another?" He glanced around once again, that same faintly curious, mostly blank expression remaining in place, unaware of how important the news was he carried.