
Hope For a Better Day



07-28-2014, 11:20 AM

Recently, the brute had felt nothing but sadness. Two loves had been lost, and now he had left his home in search of a better place. But where could that be? Where could he sleep? Would the man have a safe place to rest his head?

Of course, he had a few ideas. Dayton could always search for his good friend Crucifix. He had heard of the silvery brute finally claiming a pack of his own. Perhaps he could start there. Join his old friend in a new home together, fighting alongside each other if it came to it. That had been the only fear in Dayton's heart when preparing for a war against Covari only days before. The war had been called off, luckily. If it hadn't been, Dayton would have been at the throat of one of his closest and dearest friends. But that hadn't happened. Everything was okay now. Except for Dayton, but his life never seemed to be truly okay.

With a sigh, the brute came across a large stream. The water reached for his feet from where he stood at the edge. The rocks were slippery and wet, but he would have to cross it sometime. So he made his way carefully across, slipping only once as his paws maneuvered across the stones. The water hissed angrily as he left it behind. Perhaps it had wanted to swallow him up. Dayton pushed those thoughts from his mind and settled on his haunches, tail curling securely around his hip. As much as this life had thrown him about, he still kept fighting. He kept his head above the surface and kept air in his lungs. Things would turn out fine.