
Lets make this whole world new


07-28-2014, 11:35 AM

The babe could feel excitement singing in her veins as the call came toward them. Her mother reacted instantly, bounding off toward the source of the sound. Faun tried to follow just as quickly, scrambling to her paws and preparing to run, but then Alpine spoke to his children in turn. She paused to listen to his gentle voice, telling them that they were going to meet their Uncle Crucifix, who was brother to Twig. Viridian knew by now that her mother's name was Twig, so she was able to piece all of this together pretty quickly. Still, it was confusing. Faun had never met this man before. Who was he? Was it his voice that was echoing all around them?

She didn't have any more time to think it over, because then Alpine was ushering them along with a firm and yet tender touch, moving forward while staying behind them at a steady pace. The babe trotted eagerly toward the meeting, straying to the side a bit so she could bump her brother with her hip. She grinned at Solor, white teeth shining against an ivory pelt. "Are you excited too, Solor? I want to meet Uncle Crucifix!" she exclaimed, little rump wiggling as her tail swung quickly behind her. The girl was growing more each day, becoming slightly larger than her brother for the time being. That was exciting too. Everything was exciting to the pup. The world was limitless, and everything was perfect. Childhood was a blessing that she would not take for granted. Somehow she was already wise enough for that. So Faun gave her brother a little kiss on the cheek and galloped onward, her giggles filtering straight to the sky. Soon they rejoined their mother in the crowd, and little Viridian would be momentarily confused by all the activity about her. Her brow would furrow as she looked back at her father. "What's happening, Daddy?"
