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3 Years
07-28-2014, 11:56 AM

Laughing so damn hard, and no one knew why

She really liked the orchard, it was nice there, and it smelled pretty. The patchwork girl was running on what she was assuming to be her third visit, but who knew, she'd probably been here a million times and lost count. She'd begun to find it easier to move amid the roots, her gangly limbs quickly becoming long enough to aid her in traversing the land. It was not too long since she'd been within the labyrinth of thick, gnarled trunks when she heard powerful pawsteps. She could barely feel them, too. Faint tremors in the ground, telling her she was fairly close to whoever was thundering through the orchard. She peered around a tree trunk, just in time to see the male get whapped in the face with a thorn covered vine. She stifled her giggle, and instead trailed along, following him like a tiny shadow. She watched the brute curiously, wondering why he seemed so upset. It was really nice here, and she was enjoying all the nice smells of the flowers and the time consuming act of moving around without falling flat on her face. Not that she didn't trip frequently, and the occasional faceplant was not unheard of for her.
While she was trailing along with the muscle bound male, separated by a few trees between them, for her own safety, the girl had the pleasure of watching the man fall victim to the horrendous faceplant that had taken her hostage the first time she'd come here, too. This time, there would be no stifling her mirth. She nearly fell right over laughing, toxic eyes shut as she let loose peals of grand amusement. She didn't even get to see the man try to pick himself up and recover his dignity, she was far too busy with her hysterics. Tri coloured banner whipped back and forth with her glee at seeing such an intimidating man topple face first into the dirt. Now, she did in fact fall over sideways, wriggling with her laughter now.

OOC: You're welcome to have Zozton come barreling at her now, a good chase would be fun. Or he can give her a good yelling, making her cry wouldn't be horrible. Well, okay, he might feel horrible after but yeah. I vote for chasing

But the rest is forgotten