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3 Years
07-28-2014, 12:40 PM

Laughing so damn hard, and no one knew why

It took little to no time for the massive brute to quell her laughter, just a deep, very angry growl. He thundered closer, and his massive head was nearly touching her belly within moments. She could feel his heavy breath on her chest, displacing her dark fur. He demanded to know if she was actually laughing at him, and the smaller hellion looked up at him with big, round acid green eyes. She nodded without even thinking about it, which was, honestly, probably not one of her best moves. He snarled almost immediately after, and his jaw snapped shut close enough to her face that she felt the skin of her nose grazed by his massive teeth. Instinct came to call, a reflex called up that was probably going to be the death of her. Her small, but still pretty strong jaws flew open and chomped down on the man's dark nose, right in front of her face now.
She could see her headstone now.

Acadia Frost
She bit an angry rogue's nose.
Then another instinct, this time a saving grace. Okay, not an instinct, common sense. Dark hind paws would dig into the dirt beneath her, forepaws flailing wildly (and also probably smacking the male in the face a little) as she started moving. Her small, lithe frame was on the move before she could get her hind end ripped off. Small paws dug into the ground, hurling dirt clods out behind her as she hauled ass like the best of them. Being the smaller one, she had a wee advantage. As well, she knew the orchard fairly well. Like the dead end along the naturally crafted path she was taking, and the gap between the overgrown trees that she could probably squeeze through better than the other wolf, the one that was probably about two seconds from eating her. She flew along the path, tail tucked firmly between her legs, because she was scared as hell and not afraid to admit that. However, as adrenaline started pumping through her veins, a large, shit eating grin began to creep onto her features. A short peal of laughter trickled from her maw, which definitely wasn't about to help her case.
There it was, just up ahead. She could see the gap, just barely big enough to fit her petite shoulders through. Pushing herself to the limits of her speed, which was probably just fast enough to keep her out of biting range, she aimed herself for that space between the trunks. She had to time it perfectly, or there was a very good chance she was going to be lunch. Throwing caution to the wind, the girl hurtled forward, squeezing through the gap almost perfectly. A good bit of fur was scraped from her hide by the trunks, but she didn't slow down. Landing on the other side, she looked over her shoulder. No way he was coming through there. She whirled around, ready to face him snarling and snapping on the other side of that gap. The huge grin on her face wasn't going away any time soon.


But the rest is forgotten