
History Is Repeating, But I Won't Give Up


07-28-2014, 02:48 PM

July was traveling to find the family that he had left. His search for his cousins had been to no avail, and it was with a heavy heart that he would begin his journey to find either June or August again. His sister's scent seemed faint here, though he was certain it existed, however muted it might be. The earthy-toned brute would wander with purpose, his gait quick and full of intent.

The land would drop off sharply, and his pace slowed as he neared the edge of the ravine. Crossing it seemed a good idea as any. He cast his emerald gaze downward, scoping out a safe path to the bottom. It was not the safest of landscapes, but he found himself navigating to the bottom of the ravine with care, perched precariously on the pads of his paws for balance.

The scent of a stranger would assault his nose suddenly, and he tilted his head to the side, gaze searching for him in the distance. "Hello there, stranger!" July called out happily, taking the final leap to the safety of the ravine floor, finding the stranger's silhouette not far from him.