
Brother, my Brother

Twig I


07-28-2014, 08:50 PM

She didn't have to wait for very long, before she knew it the sounds of paws hitting the earth would alert her to the close proximity of the brother she loved so much. She'd find herself on her feet again, her paws carrying her to meet him. The love that she had for him was hard to deny, and now that she felt nothing but joy there was nothing that could bring her down. She'd let him envelope her into an irresistible embrace, closing her eyes blissfully and enjoying the moment with him.
Of all of the wolves she'd missed having in her life Crucifix was the the one that would shine the brightest. She craved the presence of the rest of her family, but she couldn't live with out Crucifix any longer. Her period of mourning was over, now it was time to go out and enjoy her life. "You won't believe how amazing they are." She'd laugh, unable to get close enough to him as he pulled away to look her over. She was back to a regular weight, after Themisto's death she had been under weight, during her pregnancy Alpine had made sure she was over weight, and now with the pups finished nursing she was back to perfection.
