
Dancing with The Beast.



2 Years
07-28-2014, 09:09 PM

Fury rolled off Drashiel like frosted fog from an icy mountain. Slow and steady in a pulse of irritation that was obviously felt among many of his peers, especially Roman. At some point he heard his father howl a challenge to the crimson bitch but the lowly coward had long since fled. Her pack fading like ghosts into their haven of cowardice. Drashiel had never known such lowly beasts. They deserved to be eradicated from the face of Alacritis but alas it wasn't to be. The war they'd been hoping for was not to happen.

Drashiel scowled as he bent down to scent the earth, carefully taking in the scents that lingered, cataloguing them away in his mind should he ever run across one. The call of his father caught Drashiel's rapt attention. So Isardis was going to claim these lands? Peridot eyes focused on the direction of the howl, mind ticking away before his body moved to answer the call. Drashiel still had a strong desire to learn from Isardis and to have the opportunity to actually observe the man rule could not be passed up. Though he did feel some guilt revolving around Athena. She trusted him enough to make him Overseer. But there were perhaps greater things at stake here. And he doubted that Glaciem and this new pack would sever ties. No, they would be at her aid if she needed them.

He arrived into the company of Argent and Isardis calm and composed though his hackles were still slightly raised in frustration at their enemies frailty. How was he to prove himself if none would stand and fight him? "Father, you call and I answer."