
мαкє мє ωιѕн уσυ ωєяє &#



3 Years
07-28-2014, 09:36 PM (This post was last modified: 07-28-2014, 09:36 PM by Lysis.)

Lysis was thoroughly unused to strange men shoving her into lakes, and she found the reality of how powerless she was against him quite unnerving. It only further cemented the fact that she needed to continue training whenever possible, to grow even stronger than any of her family could've possibly guessed. She felt her fur bristle as he spoke, her insides writhing with irritation. She was happy to drag him down into the water with her, feeling very much like she was giving him a taste of his own medicine. His voice was alight with amusement, despite her own annoyance at his sudden need to push her into the lake. "Only men who ask to be treated like that," she remarked sharply as she watched him paddle toward her. With a swift motion she pushed herself toward the shore, leaping to the safety of the earth with graceful fluidity. She would shake the water from her fur, a sneer playing at her lips.

"Do you pride yourself in tormenting women half your size?" In reality, he was not exactly twice her size -- not in height, but he was significantly bulkier... not to mention a full year older than herself. Her tail whipped behind her, her features twisted in slight irritation, but something else lingered behind her green-brown gaze; if he had truly upset her, she wouldn't still be here talking to him. "You are quite the man, Zozton." It seemed he was playing a game, though the way he eyed her was not lost to the Armada girl, despite her relative naivety; how much longer might he continue? "I'm sure your parents would be proud of you."

Kyarst, her half-brother and closest friend, is allowed in any and all of her threads.