


07-28-2014, 09:39 PM

He would growl, the sound hungry and alluring, it sounded a loot like the man she knew. A smirk pulled at her lips as he quivered, breaking her gaze in favor for surveying his newly claimed forest. She would watch, his laugh wiggling well into her ears and into her heart. His lavender gaze would return to her, his words holding a quiet promise. But for now she would keep her distance, only taunting and teasing rather than giving into her body's desires.

An odd feeling fluttered in her chest, one that had always been there but has simply been pushed aside. She didn't want to give the emotion a name for fear of the consequences, but she would entertain it for a bit. "I won't tell if you don't." He had grown bolder, continuing to enclose on her space, and bumping against her, tail side caressing her side, slowly things settled into old routines between them and she found herself relaxing.

Thoughts swirled in her mind, thoughts that she would not yet dare voice. Her gaze would leave his in exchange for the forest that surrounded them. So much had happen between them, from lust to anger and now something unknown that she couldn't quite explain. Her pace would slow, hips swaying lazy with each step, sooner or later they would have to part ways so that he could get things ready for the starting of the pack and she would need to make amends with Ekko. But as of right now, she wasn't ready to leave his side, wasn't ready to be alone again.

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