



9 Years
07-28-2014, 09:51 PM

!! Azael Adravendi !!

APPEARANCE -- The man was not known for his size due to the fact that he was an average 33 inches tall and weighed a decent 97 lbs in the summer, obviously gaining some weight in the winter due to a thick winter coat that comes in. Though, such does not mean he cannot hold his own in a battle, yet he is not usually one for fighting unless he direly needed to. To start on his pelt. The man has a face of oddities. His base color of the entirety of his bodice was a firm beige color thats gets lighter and darker in places. But, it was solid upon his face until your eyes swept over his muzzle. At the tip of his muzzle, covering his chin and some of the frontal bits of his upper lips, would be a sliver of elegant alabaster. Such would sweep up around his nose and narrow up to up between his eyes ending at the top bit of his forehead. A good two inches above his eyes would be the beginning of darker shades of brown that flow into a deep ebony that would spread across his back. The obsidian color flowed down to his two front shoulders, going along with the bone structure but fading quickly. The Ebony narrowed along his rear but was still thick, it slipped down to his rear, cupping his two back thighs at the base of his arse. The ebony would also slide down his tail fading in the middle bits of the fluffy appendage. Though, the tip and the under bits of his tail were invaded by the same pristine white as his face. A lighter shade of tan swiped across the under bits of his body, along his belly, most of his hind legs, and the backs and paws of his front legs. The darker beige would be spotted along the knees of his back legs, as well. Though, some white was shown mid-end of his belly too. Along his chest slipping down from his chin would be white too, a nice, pure shade of white to be exact. Though, his eyes would be the most interesting bit of his form. His right eye was a soft baby blue and the left orange.

PERSONALITY -- From day one the boy was a wise one. Always learning knew things, accepting criticism, and wanting to know more. Unlike most, he would sit back and observe others play and get into trouble. He was a shy being, which he would grow out of some, but Az would grow up to remain slightly shy. Yet, he had a certain confidence that stuck with him, one that he would not flaunt. But, he knew he was slightly more wise then the others around him. The man took quite the interest in the simple things. Nature. Herbology. The skies. Weather patterns. It was odd for a boy from his generation to be sucked into the ways of studying, but he would not mind being judge. For, sex, battle, and leadership did not give him any sort of pleasure. Though, that did not mean he was not opposed to meeting a loyal mate or dabbling in some fight training. Of course, he would wish to be trained enough to protect his family, but it would not be his main focus. But, family was one of his main focus' to ensure their safety and prosperity gave him quite joy. Yet, his interests were broad. Often, he could go on and on about nature. His intelligence never giving up on him. He could sit and observe the stars all night. Memorizing the constellations and such. He would also have a liking for herbology. At a young age he taught himself, memorizing remedies, and mending his own wounds. He was basically a jack of all trades. Due to his usual times alone he would not spend much time socializing. His lack of socializing would cause him to often not be the odd one out or not really know what to say. So you could potentially call him awkward. But, overall the boy would just be stuck in his own thoughts.

RP SAMPLE -- The Adravendi boy was never one for socializing so when his siblings wanted to go meet meet the pack members, he denied the invitation. For now, he would not enjoy much excitement. For, he wished to go on an adventure of his own. As he set off from the den his broad paws hti the ground with ease. His tail was low and flowing and his ears only slightly perked. He was rarely appearing dominant. For he was not a dominant creature, at all. Though, when his eyes fell upon a patch of Ginseng Root. The red berries would catch his eye with ease. The earthy toned boy leaned down and gripped the plant, ensuring to get it all, he tugged it from the earth. Such a herb would help with stress and he knew his mother was stress due to their pack being stripped from their paws. He would gift her with some when he saw her that night. But, the gentle man's thoughts were interrupted when a voice entered his tan ears. "Ginseng Root, are you stressed young one?" Obviously the lady knew of herbs. His head quickly flicked to look at the girl. He was a mess. The herbs in his maw and his fur fluffed from just waking up. His two colored eyes feasted upon quite the beautiful girl of all white fur and lovely yellow eyes. He stared, awkwardly, for a few moments. Though, he would be snapped out of his stare as her throat would clear. The awkward little boy jumped slightly before coughing, the herbs falling from his mouth as he began to speak. "Oh I am very sorry, I got caught up in thoughts. N-no these are for my mother.." Az cleared his throat, looking down at the root below him. He would lean down to pick them down but would pause as her vocals slipped from her innocent maw once again. "Do not apologise. What is your name, friend?" The boy paused, looking back up to her. He blinked for a few moments before slowly replying. "I am Azael Adravendi of Regium. Who are you, miss?" The girl would soon reply, their conversaiton continuing on for a little longer while.



Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.