
The Devil In Stitches


05-10-2013, 09:35 PM

Another pack meeting? Wasn't there just a pack meeting? The young wolf listened to the call of the Alpha. It was foreign. This wasn't Kaien or Morphine calling. Something changed. Paws carried her on at an easy lope to the source of the call. Coming to a stop at the end of the clearing, the young she-wolf looked around her. Others had already arrived. Emerald jewels sought out her parents and siblings familiar faces but none could be found. Odd. She was here before her mother. Place upon a rock sat two pale wolves. One foreign femalem her ivory pelt soaked in the blood of another, there was something familiar about the smell that mingled with her own, and a brute. Why was she soaked in blood? She didn't know either of them. She hoped her momma would show up soon to explain it all to her. Taking her seat, tail wrapped around her paws, audits pushed forward, waiting to see what was to be said.

The dame wasted no time in speaking, first introducing herself. Desdemona. What happened to Kaien? It didn't take long for the answer to be spoken. Ears laid flat against her head. But he had led the pack. Still being young, she didn't fully understand the politics and what was going on. All she knew was that her Alpha was dead, and this woman was her new Queen. More words were spoken. Valhalla. The name was familiar, having heard many times. It seemed as though this woman planned to patch things up with the other packs.

Nnoitra. Gaze shifted to the brute. His name was familiar. Momma used to tell them stories of when she first joined the pack and he was the Alpha. So he was back? Ruling once more? But this time beside this woman who calls herself Desdemona. When ranks where brought she began paying extra close attention. She was still too young to have any great rank, but one day she would. The rest of you are stripped of titles and ranks. Browns shot up in surprise. What would that mean for momma? She knew that her mother was the second highest ranking Commander in the pack. The tournament would be fun, but her momma was too old to fight anymore. What was going to happen? She began to grow nervous, shifting her weight from shoulder to shoulder, glancing anxiously around her mother.
