
I Need The Bugger So I Can See



07-29-2014, 12:05 PM

Salamander flinched when he spotted the man's eyes open, but not out fear, just surprised that he was still alive. He'd lift his head, taking a step closer to get a better look. Ears perked up, catching a single word the stranger said in a hushed voice. Who. Who what? Who where? Cautiously he'd turn his head to the side to glance around, were there others nearby that this person knew? Or was this just a trap to lure the boy out? Quickly his hackles raised, and he turned back to look at the stranger, taking a step back, tail lowering and tucking in between his hind legs.

Now the man was trying to get up, only getting his chest off the ground so far. He was about to move over and help him up but something would make the boy freeze in place, his violet gaze catching the man looking to his friend and even sniffing him, Burd. And then he started eating him!

Salamander's jaw dropped, eyes going wide. ?No...? He whined softly, ears falling against his skull. ?Burd...? Voice was soft, almost a whisper. He'd watch in horror as the rough looking stranger devoured his friend right before his very eyes. How could he?! The boy didn't toss him over for the man to eat! He only tossed him so the bird could check the man out.

Within seconds of the bird being eaten the boy finally stirred,hackles bristling along his back, tail twitching then going into a lashing motion. He lifted his head, eyes narrowing and lips pulling back, trembling. "You jerk!" He suddenly barked, angry. He'd run up to the man and rear up, trying to smack the his head with his paws. "Drop Burd, that's my friend you meany!" He didn't care if the man was soaken wet and tired as hell, but that didn't mean he could eat his friend.


Awesome image by Canttina <3