
Searching for Safety



07-29-2014, 01:48 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Vaishya followed in her mother's footsteps quickly, her short legs struggling to keep up with the grueling pace the grey hunter set though fear, desperation, and a sheer force of will made it possible. Her posture very strongly mimicked the older woman's, hunched and bent and practically creeping across the ground, though where Ash's face was contorted in worry Vaishya's was a wide-eyed mask, too frightened to even express how she felt. It made no sense to her yet, why her mother was bringing them away from the Avian Estuary and the rest of her family - how could Da and Ashe just be gone? - but the panic and fright that Ashtoreth exhibited was enough to make it clear something was wrong, and being her mother Vaishya followed helplessly.

She did not know where they stopped, only that finally they were allowed to rest. Her breath by this point was coming in quickly, the strenuous pace having gotten to her somewhere along the way, and she hurried to fit herself close beside her brother and mother. Her legs shook a little, a mixture of fright and exertion, and so she quickly sat, her head still ducked and her tail coiling closely to her side. Where were they? Her wide, gold and blue eyes stared around her at the expansive valley that surrounded them, the vague scent of a pack as yet unrecognizable though it was present. What were they doing here?

Casting her gaze in her mother's direction, it was hard to recognize her as the calm, soothing figure that they curled up with at night. She was so unlike herself, seemingly on the verge of tears and visibly torn up about everything that was wrong with their lives. What did it mean for her, for Vaishya, this new fear that had so overwhelmed her mother? It made her shiver to see it, and a little she sidled over toward Cador, seeking his solidness, his steadiness, in the face of all this chaos. Ashtoreth howled, the message clearly a summons, but Vaishya did not give it more thought. Instead she wondered about the dangers they had escaped, the dangers that her father and sister might face if they had not already. Would she ever get to see them again? She pressed her cheek to Cador's leg, at last letting her mask slip and closing her eyes in a moment of silent fear.