
Thrown Back and Forth



8 Years
Extra large
07-29-2014, 01:56 PM

His search so far had no results, and it made Deviant feel like a failure both to himself and his lost love. He had promised the woman, in her dying moments that he would bring the family back together, to make them stronger and be prepared for the next time Lunatik came back. And where was he now? Seated on his temporary home's shore, looking out across the lake in defeat. He sighed heavily, lids closing over his golden eyes and head lowering. So many questions were swamping his head, too many for him to even comprehend and too many that he didn't want to think about.

"Come on Dev, don't give in so easily you old goof." He rumbled to himself, opening his golden eyes that almost glowed under the moonlight. He couldn't give in so easily, he had to keep pushing, had to keep searching. What kind of father and husband would the man be if he gave up just because a few days had gone by without much luck? It almost angered him to show weakness so easily.

As quickly as it had arrived however, the ill feelings would be pushed aside. The man would choose to focus on something else, a small doe laying beside him on the rocky shore. It was nothing big like a buck, but the man had no need to take something down so large. If there were to be a good supply of food, you had to leave the largest and strongest ones alive so that they could reproduce and bring in more prey. That was why he went with a smaller, fawn-less one.

Awesome table by Requiem <3