
weathered souls


05-10-2013, 09:43 PM

Gerhardt noted the serious glean in Bronze's eyes, and knew that something serious was lingering on his mind. What was it, that plagued him so? Was he searching for the words to explain that he was leaving? Was it something even worse than that? The King hoped it was neither, though he knew something was going on. The King forced a half-smile, for the original had long since faded in the silence that came between them. Though he longed to fidget, the King sat rather statuesque and placid, though his tail flitted restlessly as an outlet. "My time is yours," he would remark, feeling the need to say something.. anything. Then the news came. He'd run into Loccian. Gerhardt had been looking for the female the past few weeks. The healer had been missing in action, not that Gerhardt didn't understand. She'd suffered a great loss and it was only right for her to be able to take some time off to collect herself. Still, he hadn't expected her to be gone quite this long.

More news, this bit was rather unsatisfactory. She'd been starving herself, and hurting herself. The King should have known better than to let her go off on her own. It seemed, though, that Bronze had come to the rescue just in the nick of time. The urge to go to her immediately burned in his chest, but the King resisted. "I would like to go to her now, but it seems you have things quite under control. Would you do me this favor, and let her know that I am available to her at any time?" It seemed like it wasn't enough, but it was all the monarch could offer at this time. "Is she in need of anything at all? I can see to it that food is brought to you both, if you wish to stay with her - and I should hope that you would. I think she will need the support." Yes, that's what she needed, support. Gerhardt had a feeling Bronze was just the man for the job.

Kamala would be able to hunt for them, or any number of the others. Loccian had served Seracia faithfully, it was time they gave back to her. The King nodded, as if he'd already agreed to the plan before Bronze had a chance to object. The man would more than likely offer to help, but Gerhardt wanted him to stay with Loccian as much as possible, and hunting took time and effort.
