
Lets stretch this land to its limits


07-29-2014, 05:52 PM

He would smile despite everything and so would she. He took her advice and mulled it over before responding. She would laugh softly at first. "You don't to like it." She would tease him lightly before returning to the serious topic at hand. "I trust your judgement, though I would like to see this Ahmose in action." Perhaps she was paranoid, unable to remove the little voice at the back of her mind that screamed for preparation. He talked of an elite force, one that would be composed of their best warriors. She made a mental note to test this warriors before allowing them to be call themselves elite. "That would be good." She would nod in agreement, it made sense for the best to train the rest of the pack. He seemed hesitant about making sure everyone could at least defend themselves so her expression would soft. There was no doubt that he was already feeling the pressures of leading a pack and having others depend on him, there was no need to overwhelm him. "Warriors will take priority in training until their are more than capable. After, we can focus on making sure everyone else can at least defend themselves." She would smile gently, trying to soothe his worries and not overwhelm him. There was no doubt in her mind that they would have to keep track of numbers and kick some wolves out. She would nod, she had no problem being the one to do it. "We will also, unfortunately, have to keep track of those who wish to start families..." She would allow the sentence to dangle, he would understand, they would have to approve each litter or else they would be overwhelmed with pups.
