


07-29-2014, 09:44 PM

Roman Armada thought quite a lot of Azalea Adravendi. Though her opinions had grown fast, it was perhaps the core of a similar event that they shared in their past that made Roman feel that the Adravendi was easier to relate too. Surely it helped that, in Roman's mind- Azalea was nearly family after giving birth to Roman's half brothers. She could easily see the other wolf moving up in the ranks of trusted, and leading wolves in Tortuga. As the other she-wolf answered her, Roman nods in agreement. "That sounds like a good plan, Azalea. Perhaps we can both spar together sometime, as you work on your fighting skills. God knows, I need to try to stay in shape." She chuckles slightly.

"I want you to feel like you've earned the rank you're given. When you feel ready, come see me and we'll discuss it further." She says softly, her gaze strong. "I'd say I'll be watching your progress, but I wouldn't want to sound stalkerish." She says with a smirk. Though it is very true, she'll be watching the other she-wolf closely, interested in seeing what the Adravendi is capable of. A slight change in topic breaches her mind, and she realizes she's gone this whole time without asking about Azalea's children. "How are your children doing?" She inquires softly, her gaze curious. Are they settling into the forest? Off creating mischief?

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak