
The time has come


07-29-2014, 11:13 PM

The tiny woman would flinch at her touch but soon relaxed, however a sob would wrack her tiny form before she fell silent again. A frown would furrow her brows in confusion. So much didn't make sense about this woman. Ekko would fall with a muted thud, and the russet woman would follow suite, resting her belly against the earth. Tears brimmed big blue eyes, though her gaze was downcast, and suddenly, her head would tuck closer to her shoulder, as though she was attempting to hide the scar on the side of her face. Its fine. The words sounded well rehearsed, as though she had said them over and over again. Ekko refused to meet her gaze, studying instead something insignificant.

A sift sigh rolled off her tongue before she spoke. "What happened?" To you. She would peer down at the tiny woman, looking slightly expectant. It was time for the truth to come out. She had never pushed the woman to tell her, but things had gotten far to out of hand, she needed to know and Ekko needed to tell her. There was no getting around it any longer.

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