
Herbs and Stuff



8 Years
07-29-2014, 11:48 PM

The man would sit quietly, even when Callisto looked up at him with smiling eyes. Her greeting had held no words so he simply smiled back at her, rather than interrupting the wolf who had called all of them together. Everyone, excluding the students, had given a small piece of their knowledge and silently he would watch each of his student's reactions to everyone's input.

Callisto's reaction to poisons caught his attention far better than the reactions of Lior and Kassander's had. Her interest seemed to spike more at the mention of the dangerous plants than it had to things like trillium. So when all grew silent and all eyes were on his student his original plan to speak of White Willow Bark had changed.

Quietly she would pass the spotlight on to him, and he would smile knowing full well that she was still absorbing everything that was being said. "I am Maximous, born to the nomad pack and an Eir, or healer, of Ebony." His voice would project out over the crowed just as a teacher's voice naturally would.

The tone in his voice was friendly yet far from boring. Introductions of himself were given quickly and almost immediately he would move on to the task at hand. "Wolfsbane, not only a herb used for medical reasons but also a very dangerous and very deadly poison, is a rare plant to find. Most use it as a poison, but in small doses it can be used as a sedative to reduce fevers and even offer pain relief. Again it is extremely poisonous and must be dealt with carefully. The herb that duals as a poison can be found in the mountains and rocky soil."

With that his miniature lesson was complete and his eyes moved to the next wolf and a small nod was given to let them know that he was finished before moving a portion of his attention back to Callisto so that he could see her reaction to his herb of choice.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)