
Not Quite What I Seem...


07-30-2014, 01:06 AM
The strange wolf with the purple eyes and black mask on his face watched Batari. Batari only watched him back because he was still in front of her. He did not appear to be taking a posture of attack; but Batari's guard was ready regardless. While he seemed to regard her in a manner of interest, and (were she more fluent in wolf body language) respect, she regarded him like one might an oddly colored leaf on the ground. A moment of notice followed by relative disinterest as she continued on her lumbering path.

The wolf did not bar her way, so Batari did not stop moving. If he had tried to block her, she wouldn't have stopped moving then either. She would have just moved faster, with spread jaws. The wolf began to use words, lots of them, and Batari only half listened. Some of these words were one she did not know, like suggest, partake, and company. While she understood terms like strength, she was confused enough by the other words that Batari wasn't quite sure if she was being complimented or insulted.

She responded by continuing to walk and emitting a low growl in her throat. Batari then snarled out "Words words WORDS!", her tail tucking slightly in irritation. "Batari does not need your words. Batari is strong, Batari is deadly, Batari is going this way. Batari does not care about talking wolf, if talking wolf does not attack Batari, talking wolf may live, and do what talking wolf does. If Batari does not like it's words, Batari will eat talking wolf."

She continued her lumbering sway up the mountain, questing for the warmth she knew would be at its summit.