


07-30-2014, 03:11 AM

OOC: I'm going to be honest here and say I have no idea what just happened.

Her father was quick to reply, he looked scandalized by her admittance. How could she be blamed for such thoughts, given that Isardis had spawned a literal army of children in his time, that he would not even realize her absence. She did love her father, truly. He had taken her in when her own siblings had rejected her, and again after she'd abandoned him to stay with Taurig after... Though it was not long in her mind, these negative thoughts, as her father was more than ready to promise that he had missed her. His query brings nothing from her lips, she has nothing valuable to reply with. All she can offer is a simple shrug of her petite russet shoulders. Then something does manage to escape her maw, though it is merely a sigh. ?Father, nothing happened while I was gone that I would doubt you.? Her quiet melodies assure him, a small, sad smile slowly creeping up onto her features. ?You are the great northern king, you conquered and rule an empire. You've conceived plenty of children who have followed in your footsteps, not to mention they're all drawing in mates like moths to a flame.? She chuckled, though there was not real mirth behind her words. She was letting it all out, exactly like none of her other relatives would think to do. An Armada she was not, though it didn't bother her as much as everyone might think.
Another sigh, and orchid optics would seek out her father's gaze, flick over his strong features. They were familiar, comforting. The femme would not shed a tear, there would not be a crack to her voice. She'd become much stronger than she was before, and she'd also come to accept what she was, who she was. ?Then there's me, a little runt who doesn't like to fight, is nice to everyone, not nearly as eloquently speaking as the rest of the family, and I'm cute at best.? She muttered, still not a tear to be found in her eyes. Why bother? What would crying accomplish anyways? After this, her father would pity her enough for the both of them. Then there would come a harsh smile, sharp and so very out of place on her cherubic features. Always she was smiling, but almost never were they full of such ridicule. ?And yet, you took me in after my own siblings disowned me. You took me in again after I abandoned the pack to look after Taurig, and now you're telling me you actually managed to miss me? After all that trouble I made, you wondered where I was while you were ill? Most parents would have dumped me and been better off.? She muttered, her voice holding a tinge of something that sounded suspiciously like amusement. ?And yet, you didn't.?
Her gaze had not broken away from her father's, she saw no point in all of that. The auburn furred she wolf didn't really fear much, and she knew very well her father's wrath when she crossed a line. She more or less knew what could come, but she didn't really feel the need to be afraid. Then, one alabaster brow would rise quizzically. A small smile would come to cross her features now, despite everything she'd admitted just now. ?So how could I ever lose faith in you?? She replied, the familiar sarcastic lilt to her tone. The great king should have known better, since she'd loved him so much all this time. When she'd reunited with her siblings after her journey here, the whole reason they'd disowned her was because she refused to believe their father was a bad man. She had seen a bad side of him, that she would admit, but he was not wholeheartedly evil. She knew he loved her, and while, yes, blinding and castrating her eldest brother had been quite the horror show, she had returned to him in the end. Not having a father for the first year of your life tends to make you crave their presence all the more when you find them.